Become Instagram Influencer and Earn Money Online
Ranked as one of the most important marketing channel, find out how you can get traffic to Instagram, become Instagram influencer, and reach out to big brands.
Ranked as one of the most important marketing channel, find out how you can get traffic to Instagram, become Instagram influencer, and reach out to big brands.
Is Facebook still effective to drive traffic I still remember during those days when I first started Facebook page in 2007 while still operating my manicure shop in Malaysia. I literally get many likes the moment I started my page even without paying for any advertisements. During those days, Facebook was “cool” as you see “all” updates …
Forget About Facebook: Is Not Going to Help Your Business! Read More »
As mentioned in my previous post, I’ve recently just started my serious relationship with Twitter with the intention to improve my blog traffic. To me, having Twitter is simply sharing of high quality content to gain more followers. With this in mind, I use a tool namely WP Tweet Machine to automate tweet or retweet and ignore any @mention or DM from …
I’ve made 3 Mistakes Starting My Relationship with Twitter Read More »
I’ve been just started my relationship with Twitter this October via @ClickWebSuccess. So far, it has been an enjoyable relationship compared to the one I had with Facebook. I guess it is the speed and the limit of 140 characters set by Twitter that attract me. Thin content sharing in Twitter really squeeze the best out of …
Local small business owners who have yet to start Twitter Marketing might lose the opportunities this social network offers. Find out how you can start using Twitter to grow your business.
You Will Be Shock to Find That Many Internet Marketers Continue to Make These Mistakes Many internet marketers started Facebook Marketing with the mindset that “Facebook is a MUST” – and that’s all! There are mostly no planning nor strategy when starting. This ended up affecting the brand negatively. I am here to share with …
I’ve seen many of my friends who quit their job to venture online will normally start selling products on Facebook. I guess this is because Facebook is free and known to provide many opportunities for the unemployed to sell online. So, have you ever sell on Facebook? And how many methods you have used to sell on Facebook? In this article, …
Many people create their own handmade items, mostly started as a hobby. It can be a handmade jewelry, shoes, cupcakes, bags, art and the list can just continue. Why not sell your handmade items online and start earning money? You can’t work for 24/7 but your online platform can! Here is how to sell handmade items online. List your Handmade Items on …