How To Creatively Write Catchy Headline in 5 Seconds

In the last article, I’ve written on how to write SEO content that rank on search engines whereby one of the pre-requisite is to write a catchy title. In the real world, we need to acknowledge the fact that it takes more effort getting people to read your content as I personally browse titles for 15 to 30 minutes before setting on one that catch my attention.

It is not solely about how good your content is but it is also about how catchy is your headline. In this article, I am going to share with you the formula to write catchy title that can encourage readers to click on your content. Concentrate on this and you will get more readers.

Numbers create attraction

It is very ironic that using number in headlines actually works. This is because number is able to give your reader an estimate and prep them for expectation in your content. For example, by looking at the number, they are able to except how much time is required to read your content.

You can try this experiment yourself at home. Take a magazine and flip to see what headlines catch your attention. Most will realize that their eyes are glued to numbers.

Appropriate Adjectives

The use of adjectives are very important. It can let user visualize the content via “association” concept. For example, adjectives like “strange or eerie” will be able to create some “mysterious feeling” in your readers and with curiosity, then will want to read further.

However if you are thinking to excite your readers, then words like fun and incredible may be appropriate. Here are some adjectives that you can use in your title.

  • Fun
  • Easy
  • Strange
  • Beautiful
  • Best
  • Amazing
  • Incredible
  • Free


There must be a value you are bringing to your readers in the content you created. This value need to be communicated in the headlines. For example, if you want to tell them “ways” to create a website for free, then the word “ways” must be shown. Here are some rationalization words you can consider using.

  • Secrets
  • Principles
  • Ideas
  • Facts
  • Reasons
  • Tips

The 5W and 1H

Why, Who, When, What, Where and How are trigger words. These words create a perceived “solution” to the readers. Also it is most commonly used by readers to do a search online. However, if you are using these, then it may not be feasible to combine with numbers

Read also: Guide To Google Keyword Research

Be Bold with Your Promise

People love promises. It strengthens confidence of the reader to move forward with whatever is in their mind. For example, a person who has no confidence to learn Internet Marketing via eLearning will be willing to try if the platform promises 60 days Money Back Guarantee. Your main objective is to challenge your reader to read the article. And therefore, be bold with promises and of course, you need to deliver your promise too.

The Combined Formula

Here is one formula that you should try.

Number or Trigger Word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise

Using example of this article, a simple headline can be as such

“How to Write Catchy Headline”

Or you could apply this formula and make it “How To Creatively Write Catchy Headline in 5 Seconds”. However, if you are making a bold statement, you need to make sure that your content can really deliver value that is promised in your headline.

I am sure there are many more ways to write catchy headline other than the formula recommended here. You are welcome to share your thoughts on the comment box below. We love to hear from you.

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14 thoughts on “How To Creatively Write Catchy Headline in 5 Seconds”

  1. Hello Florence,

    This is one of the better reads i’ve had in some time. I do have a new blog and I am trying to get new visitors to it. I think your methods will help me immensely. I haven’t previously given it a ton of thought which was probably an error. You explained it all in a way that made it easy to understand and I liked the part about using numbers which I will definitely try here soon.

    Thanks again,

  2. Great tips there, Florence. I think your advice is sound and makes perfect sense. You’ve got to give readers a clear idea of what it is your page offers them, don’t you?

    And that’s a nice formula: Trigger Word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise. It keeps things nice and simple. I may try some of these tips with my own site. Cheers.

  3. Hi there,

    Now for a bold statement, this article has definitely helped my creation of my blogs post titles. I hope this works in bringing in some more readers and traffic from the search engines.

    What I love about this article is that it is so freaking obvious! and so simple to apply! I am wondering why I did nt come up with it myself!

  4. Great article on how to write a catchy headline. It is true that people only tend to click on something that catches their eye.

    I learnt something new today for sure. I didn’t know that the number was so important, but it does make sense.

    I also like the formula you have and have made a note on my desk calendar as a reminder.

  5. I usually struggle to write catchy headlines for my blog articles because I can never pick the right wording to use.

    Cool! I actually do remember the 5 W’s plus H, during my English lessons in school, so thanks for re-jogging my memory.

    Thanks ever so much for your tips, and I should no longer experience any struggles with my headlines.


  6. As I am a full time blogger who makes all of his income online, I found this article immensely interesting and intriguing. We all like to think that we write amazing and catchy headlines, but we must always look to improve. The formula you provided is very simple but I can already tell that it surely does work lol (why else would I be here if it wasnt for your headline).

    1. Thanks Jose for the kind comment. Do let me know if there’s any topic you would like me to write in my next post. Cheers!

  7. I used to just use the simple keyword I was targetting as my title to each blog post or article but I eventually realized how boring it looked and sounded (in some cases it didn’t really make that much sense either!). Do you know of any softwares that can help with this type of thing?

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